We didn't color coordinate our shoes!!
I love the green alfalfa and the setting sun!
Amber had to stand high on a ladder to get this one!
These guys are so beautiful! Cotton fields...the closest thing we have to a white Christmas!
Brock looks just like his daddy did at this age!

I love this pic of Mati with his soccer ball!
Chase...so serious with his base, and in contrast, Brock sticking his head in a pic that did not belong to him!!! Always the prankster!
Our silhouetted family, the beautiful AZ sunset!
McKay and I against this awesome old tree.
Beautiful girls, but Emma had to climb her tree!
My honey is serious and reserved most of the time and I am most definitely not...I think that's why I love this pic!
I will post a link to Amber's site...Thanks so much Amber and Josh!